1st Multi-Staking TG Bot
First telegram staking bot that offers upto 51,0244% APR
Last updated
First telegram staking bot that offers upto 51,0244% APR
Last updated
We are pleased to announce our new staking bot interface, that enables seamless and flexible staking by Bubble at any time.
Bubblebot represents a groundbreaking multi-token staking platform that's intricately tied to bot tokens. Leveraging the power of multi-token technology on the Binance network, community members can securely stake their Bubble tokens within Bubble bot staking pools. As a result, they stand to earn rewards in various other token currencies. Essentially, Bubblebot serves as the go-to staking token for other token currencies employing a similar strategy. Within the platform, users can access a diverse array of staking pools to suit their preferences and investment goals.
You can stake your Bubble at any time you choose. You can stake any amount of Bubble you wish;
You can stake your Bubble and earn reward in other Bubble tokens and later on more pools will add into the bot.
Once staked, the contract will deliver a reward continuously for as long as tokens remain staked;
You can withdraw any amount of staked Bubble tokens without any locking period.
You are free to stake additional amounts at any time;
Staking platform is live on testnet please refer to our telegram community and try staking bot.
Stake Bubble to earn reward in $Bubble tokens APR is 510,244.30%
Why APY is dropping? There are limited amount of tokens that are supposed to be distributed across staking pool, that means if amount of stakers increase, it effects the distribution ratio and thus decreasing APY.
Is there any time limit to unlock staking tokens or reward? No you can unlock tokens/rewared at any time.
Tax Fee on withdrawal of reward tokens? Standard fee applicable only, we will not charge additional tax fee.